Wednesday, March 16, 2011

To Scribe or Not to Scribe...

Lately I've been reading a lot about the Glyph market and there seems to be two polarized camps on it now.  One camp says that the Shattering and Cataclysm killed the Glyph market.  The cost of materials is up, while the demand for repeat glyphs has disappeared, resulting in prices below cost and no more profits. They say you can still make a little money on Fortune Cards or the Darkmoon deck, but the glyphmas is over.  

A minority of others are still making a boatload in the glyph market.  People seem to be have abandoned it because of the higher mat costs and moved on to greener pastures.  The ones that are left, are doing well.

Personally, I've seen both.  On the horde server with most of my toons, I'm printing money in the glyph market.  We don't have a regular camper in the market, so it's possible to post a couple times of day and sell a lot of glyphs.  Further, I never really saw that particular glyphs people were buying for special builds or to switch specs.  I always sold a wide variety of glyphs, mostly to levelers, and that continues today.  However, on my Alliance server, the glyph market is a mess.  A started a scribe to make money to buy my heirlooms, but it's been tough to scrape a few bronze together.  Few glyphs sell for much and mat prices are high.  Further, there's somebody posting large batches every few minutes so it's impossible to really make money.  The contrast in markets is stark.

What's your market like?  Are you still able to make money on glyphs or are you having to pack it in?

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